I am making sure all my bigger pieces of fabric(.5m or more) are washed as I seem to have developed allergic reaction to unwashed fabrics; this may not be new but I was blaming it on other things and it has become apparent it is the fabric. It is not a serious thing I just get slightly stuffed up and a headache so might as well avoid that.
It is so neat to revisit your fabric and remember what you have; as it is washed I am folding it all the same size and placing it in my rubber maid tubs so I can see all the different fabrics I have; sorted by color. Anything smaller than 1/2 m I am sorting into a fat quarter container and cutting the rest up for my scrap system(aka Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville.com).
Happiness thought for today:
A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. ~Author Unknown
Since I have been a few weeks I thought we all deserved another one:
Cheerfulness is what greases the axles of the world. Don't go through life creaking. ~H.W. Byles